Voluntary Personal Accident Insurance of Passengers in the Motor Vehicle

Voluntary Personal Accident Insurance of Passengers in the Motor Vehicle

Personal Accident of Passengers in the Motor Vehicle

BULSTRAD VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP covers personal damage of the injured persons travelling in the vehicle, in case of permanent disablement or death as a consequence of injuries sustained in a traffic accident. The insurance cover commences at the time of entering the vehicle until the moment of existing the vehicle. 

The sum insured is determined by you according to the following limits:

  • BGN 10,000
  • BGN 20,000
  • BGN 30,000
  • other, as agreed

The insurance indemnity is provided in equal amounts to the number of injured persons in the motor vehicle. Thus, the amount represents the limit of liability for each of them. Injured persons receive indemnity depending on the determined percentage of permanent disablement. In case of fatal accidents, the indemnity is paid in full to the lawful heirs.

Voluntary Personal Accident Insurance of Passengers in the Motor Vehicle - IPID